28 mai 2021 / News

Panguaneta remains among the best Italian SMEs

For the third consecutive year, Panguaneta has been mentioned among the 1,000 best Italian companies in 2021 according to a study carried out by the ItalyPost research centre in cooperation with "L’Economia", the financial magazine of Corriere della Sera.

The Italian top performers were announced at the Milan Stock Exchange during an event called "L’Italia genera futuro" (Italy generates future) with the participation of Vittorio Colao, Minister for technological innovation and digital transition.

The research has identified national 800 companies with a turnover between € 20 and 120 million, and 200 top companies with a turnover between € 120 and 500 million, based on a careful analysis of the available financial statements of the last six years (in the 2013-2019 period) and a series of strict corporate and economic criteria (CAGR, EBITDA, Rating and Net Financial Position.)

For Panguaneta, which has just celebrated its 60th anniversary in 2020, this is a further achievement that celebrates the company's constant growth in terms of turnover, markets and profitability, thanks to the incessant innovation as well asthe greater efficiency and sustainability ofits products and processes.

Click here to read further information about Champions 2021