21 Giugno 2018 / News

A new investment phase

During the first part of 2018, Panguaneta began a new phase of investments which will be finished in 2022 with what will become the definitive layout of the main mill.
The first phase of the project involves the purchase of two new veneer peelings commissioned to the Finland producer Raute that will substitute two of three existing ones.

The installations will be positioned in a new area and will permit an additional optimisation of the production, with the aim to reduce the consumption of raw material during the peeling process.

"This project is part of the extended program of investments of Panguaneta", affirms Mauro Azzi, CEO of the company. "The total amount of the investments in the development of our activities has overtaken 20 millions of Euro in the last five years. The introduction of new lines of peelings allows conducting different tasks at the same time: increasing the productive efficacy, optimising the consumption of raw materials, and reducing the quantity of production refuses. The company will continue to invest in buying of new installations and modernising of the already existing ones in the next 5 years. The aims remain the development of the existing production of big size plywood, investments integrated in maintenance and optimisation of general productive processes.
As a whole, Panguaneta foresees to invest 30 million in the period 2018-2022 in the development of its own activities, for a total of 50 million in the last 10 years”.