manifesto the
Panguaneta has its roots in Sabbioneta, a place of unique artistic value and beauty and a UNESCO world heritage site, laid out in accordance with the Renaissance principles of the ideal city. The company has grown and developed in Sabbioneta thanks to the hard work of its founders and their descendants, who have continued to pursue the evolving industrial project while simultaneously strengthening the company's bond with its birthplace through actions aimed at conservation and promotion.
Roots drive growth... and growth is our paradigm.
Our allegiances are nurtured by our roots. In its sixty years of business, Panguaneta has consistently sought to maintain and support its internal and external allegiances. Starting from a united family in the transition to the next generation, proceeding through the people who have worked within the company over the years, our suppliers and our partners. The result is a vital circle of relationships guaranteeing excellence and continuity.
The strong allegiances formed throughout our history are firmly grounded in the essence of our roots.
No business can exist without core values. Panguaneta’s operations are based on family values, ethical relationships, allegiance to our origins, and devotion to sustainability. These are the core values of a business strategy that places people centre stage and orients the economic process towards assuring functional growth and collective development by making investments that always produce fresh innovations.
We do business in line with the ethical values underpinning our company.
Human resources are the company’s true capital. Panguaneta accompanies and supports the career development of each member of staff, providing the necessary tools to work with new technologies and meet new market demands. Our customers represent the value we place on direct relations, steadily building up a legacy of loyalty over the years.
Our inner force springs from people and the relationships we strive to nurture.
Our production plant lies near the banks of the Po, the mighty river that winds its way across the Padana lowlands, nourishing the famous landscape composed of an endless succession of farms and orderly ranks of verdant poplar trees. Poplar is the main raw material in Panguaneta’s products, so it's hardly surprising that we manage our woodlands with the utmost care, employing virtuous processes to convert the raw timber into intrinsically eco-sustainable panels.
More than just a raw material, poplar is a fundamental heritage of our corporate culture.
Panguaneta has always aimed at sustainable development, through compliance with strict certification protocols governing our design and manufacturing activities. The company also promotes “green” sharing and responsibility in every step of the chain by participating in the programmes of national and international associations. And constant internal benchmarking of our activities produces an endless stream of awards and recognitions.
Rather than a mere goal, we view sustainability as the very lifeblood of our daily activities.
Every day at Panguaneta we focus on the quality of our products, to ensure our customers can rely on consistently high and certified standards. Quality is also an essential aspect in managing our production and distribution processes, establishing lines of communication and implementing occupational safety measures. Guaranteeing quality in every action calls for complex and far-sighted management skills.
We pursue quality in our actions and ideas, always with transparency and always with professionalism.
Panguaneta sees industrial innovation as the end result of a collective effort aimed at getting results in terms of performance, profit and service. Our work is forever oriented towards achieving another of our vocational elements in the form of quality, which necessitates constant improvement by reinventing our actions while maintaining their long term ecological and economic sustainability.
We innovate to grow, in each industrial stage, for the benefit of the market.
We believe that the future must be shared creatively, avoiding inward-looking growth strategies and always investing in building solid and constructive partnerships. Enjoying a market presence thanks to the networks of our partners is a perfect fit with several aspects of Panguaneta’s culture: more space for collaboration and for virtuous relationships with local markets, identification of mutual objectives, and sharing knowledge to carve out a future path together.
Partnerships play an essential role in sharing our identity.
The correct choice
Guiding customers in an increasingly complex and competitive market, mitigating risk and the complexity of choice, explaining the benefits offered by our products and services. Panguaneta has risen to prominence thanks to its rigorous quality policies and the innovative thinking expressed in its products. This is a legacy that continues to be the focus of the company’s investments, with the goal of assuring major performance gains for all its customers.
A solid experience, “the correct choice”.