The Cluster gathers representatives of industry, craftsmanship and universities, supported by experts entrusted with the development of the territories.
In Italy, woods, intended as both “green lungs” and strategic elements for development policies, cover an area of about 12 million hectares, equal to approximately 36% of the territory. Production activities connected with forestry as well as the wood and paper industry account for 1% of GDP: the Cluster precisely aims at promoting the use of Italian raw materials, spreading innovation within the sector and sharing development experiences.
“The Cluster will be very active – Nicoletta Azzi explains – and will not be limited to this sector, but will implement national and European projects for the entire industry, also providing indications to the ministry. Today we have neither a complete map of the Italian woods nor homogeneous data on the forest heritage and how it can support the various wood supply chains. Therefore, our first initiative will be the collection of data from public and private bodies, industry associations and universities, their validation and their sharing with everyone”.
The appointment of Nicoletta Azzi is a recognition of the commitment of Panguaneta, which has always been at the forefront to promote sustainable management of forestry, both directly and through specific projects for the conservation of natural woods and the protection of biodiversity.