PURE GLUE - NAF (No-Added-Formaldehyde): a plywood without the addition of formaldehyde, thanks to an innovative and non-toxic bonding system. Technology designed to reduce formaldehyde emissions and to help improve indoor air quality in schools, homes, offices, cars, etc.
EPD (Déclaration Environnementale de Produit): a certification that affects the entire life cycle of the product. An important information and communication tool on environmental performance, useful for architects and designers to choose the best products to meet more stringent environmental standards.
Giorgio Morini - Sales and Marketing Director Panguaneta: “The relationship between production and environmental protection requires the undeniable duty of modern companies to anchor their strategies on fundamental principles and tools for environmental protection, as well as favoring sustainable development programs for the rights of future generations. The A + labeling system is a logical and essential prerequisite for better information and education of consumers, guaranteeing the possibility to orient them on the market and the choice of products”.